February Member of the Month
Judy Guerrero

Congratulations to our February 2022 One Loudoun Member of the Month, Judy Guerrero who was one of the original members of TFE! Judy is a single mother of two and therefore found it very difficult to find time for herself. This past September she became an “empty nester” when both her kids went away to college. Judy decided it was time to put herself and her health first!

In October, Judy decided to hit the gym hard and get back into shape. She began working with our Fitness Director, Alec three days per week and doing cardio on her own the other days. Judy wanted to strength train, work on her form and lift heavy! In that time she’s down 20 pounds, increased her back flexibility and her upper body strength, all while dropping body fat and inches! Alec states that “She’s one of my first clients in the morning and always starts my day off right with her positive attitude and effort. We not only work together to help her with her goals, but we’ve become friends! If anyone is deserving of this, it’s Judy!”


Judy said fitness helps clear her mind and starts her day! She raved about Alec stating that he listens, is present when they are training and really knows his stuff! Judy’s fitness tip to others would be to learn to be ok with mistakes and give yourself grace. Congratulations Judy and keep up the great work!


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